Blog overhaul...

>> Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I am going to be working really hard the next few weeks to overhaul my blog and make it more reader friendly and fun.

Be checking back for updates!


So this is love....

>> Friday, September 12, 2008

David and I have some exciting news! We found out last night we were approved for a home loan! We are so excited....our lease ends in February so we will start the house hunt then, but until then I am feverishly trying to find inspiration for our home.

I came across this photo of a kitchen and I am in love. We have so many turquoise pieces that we got for the wedding that I would love to incorporate into our future kitchen and possibly add glass cabinet doors on several cabinets for the display.


My August accomplishment...

>> Saturday, September 6, 2008

I am down 10lbs!!! I know it's not much, but I have such a hard time losing the weight so I am very proud of this step. I started doing a mixture of low carb/South Beach on August 18th and I am down goal is 30 by January 1st.
I am making a constant effort to work out atleast 4 times a week and eating super can be challenging at times, but I feel a million times better already!