Top 5 Most Creative Carved Pumpkins...
>> Friday, October 30, 2009

Have a fun and Safe Halloween!
Have a fun and Safe Halloween!
Beautiful Black and White Striped Wall Paper
One of my favorite blogger's bathroom (photo courtesy of G&D)
I don't usually take to my blog for deep matters, I like to keep it lighthearted and fun. But today a friend from a decorating board that I frequent every day and have made some great friends with lost her child.
I remember the day she told us she was pregnant and then shortly after, she started having complications with the pregnancy. Through the whole pregnancy she shared her struggles, her faith, her joys and her happiness with us girls. Sadly this morning she informed us that sometime during the early morning hours her unborn child lost their life. Sadly, she was due this month.
She has been a powerhouse of strength and courage, Never letting her situation take her focus off of God and his ultimate plan for her and her husband and child's life. She faced challening circumstances her entire nine months of pregnancy, but she never waivered in her faith.
Today our friends mourn the loss of this precious little angel, who is in heaven today.
If interested- you can read her blog through this whole struggle- it will show truly what a strong woman she is.
Please keep her in your prayers.
In honor of fall, I thought I would share with you my growing collection of ways to display, decorate and dazzle your pumpkins.
Happy pumpkin picking! If you have a great pumpkin design you have used on your pumpkins this year, I would love to feature you on my blog! Just leave a comment that you are interested and I will e-mail you.