Has it really almost been a year?...

>> Monday, June 30, 2008

A friend of mine got married this weekend (I was not fortunate enough to go...darn work) but as I was looking at some pictures of her on facebook, I got to thinking about my own wedding. I cannot believe that Dave and I have been together for almost 1 year. August 11, 2007 to be exact.

He is such a wonderful husband and I am so happy that he is the one I will be spending the rest of my life with. Not only does he support me in all aspects of life, but he is one of the few that can get me giggling to no end. I love every minute with him!

I love you Dave.....looking forward to our 1 year mark and many more.


Another scrapblog creation...

>> Friday, June 27, 2008


Scrapblog...how I love thee!

Some of the girls on the nest.com have introduced me to scrapblog and I love it. Here is one example of a scrapbook page.


Forever Friendship

>> Thursday, June 26, 2008

My best friend of many many years has moved across country to begin her new career and life. While I am so excited about the many opportunities she will be beginning, I am missing her terribly and she has only been gone a full dayand yet it already feels like an eternity. Even though we only saw each other once or twice a week, there was always some comfort knowing she was right around the corner if I needed her.

I thought I would make a list of so many good memories we had together as a tribute to her and her new journey. Oh, and you must check out her traveling blog as she documents her journey to Arizona. http://www.jackiesvoyage.blogspot.com/


  • Meeting her for the first time and seeing all the Hanson posters

  • Spending almost every weekend together and getting online in chatrooms and giggling

  • Going to the mall together and sitting in our spot in the foodcourt watching the people

  • Summers in Edisto, and flirting with the guy at the restaurant

  • Every Christmas afternoon getting together and exchanging gifts

  • Her scaring the crap out of me watching the Excorcist

  • Our talks about YTK :)

  • The flying bird house and the tornado

  • Hanson, Backstreet Boys and N'SYNC

  • Going to NYC together and staying in a tuna can room

  • Girl's nights complete with Cosmo's and Sex and the City

  • Watching Grey's Anatomy together

  • Helping me and stressing with me over my wedding

Just some of the many good times I had her with her! Love you Jack!


Here it is...new do'

>> Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I don't know why I look goofy in the first pic, but here it is. I really like it....and it takes just a few minutes to dry. It probably would have looked better today had I not overslept and had time to do it. But nevertheless, here it is.


Goals- they are for achieving aren't they?

>> Friday, June 6, 2008

I have been thinking alot about my future goals, and what a better way to get started with those goals than having them in writing?! I am attaining one of my life goals and that is to have a professional career where I am working for me. I am accomplishing that at this present moment.

So without further ado, a list of my life goals in no particular order:

1. Drink wine and a great pasta meal in Italy
2. Foster a dog in our home
3. Write a $5,000 dollar check to my church or the Susan G. Komen Foundation
4. Have a child
5. Adopt a child
6. Suprise my husband with a 42' flat screen tv
7. Own our own home
8. Be successful in my real estate career
9. Get in the best shape of my life and wear a bikini on the beach
10. Spend Christmas in NYC
11. Write a children's book and have it published
13. Be almost completely debt free
14. Play golf with my husband in all 50 states
15. Own a boat
16. Go on a missions trip to a foreign country with our church
17. Be the maid of honor at my best friends wedding
18. Research my families ancestry
19. Start a fabulous hope chest with lots of memorabilia for my future children
20. See the Boston Red Sox play
21. Take my parents, siblings, In-laws and husband on a fabulous European trip.
22. Nap in a hammock with my husband somewhere in the tropics.
23. Learn french

That's it for now, I am sure there will be more added.


Finally...I chose a new hairstyle

I have been searching for months for the perfect hairstyle. One that is low-key and that can be done easily, but also looks polished and professional. I have finally found it!

Drumroll please........

I plan on having mine a little longer in length, but not much. I will post pics soon.


My 5 most wanted decor items...

>> Thursday, June 5, 2008

I really have decor fever this month. Below are my 5 favorite items at the moment all from Z Gallerie.